Welcome to My Blog
Here is a basic blog layout with a right sidebarLiberal Arts & STEM – The road to a wholesome being
What literacy is, has morphed over time and will continue to do so. Incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) into a child's dreams has become more of a norm, primarily feeding on bashful consumerism, a scarcity mindset, and the...
How Engineers engineer the art of reading their client’s mind?
How Engineers engineer the art of reading their client’s mind? It does not matter which Industry it is, with the advent of a Customer-Oriented Culture, every profession has incorporated the concept of understanding the language of their customer. As engineers, we do...

TAG Kayaking Splash
"Teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability." – Patrick Lencioni With coffee mugs, city plans, work jargon and Monday-blues substituting the weeks, Team-building at times takes a backseat. There is no...
COVID-19 Building Closures and Plumbing Systems: What to do?
2020 brought us tectonic changes as COVID-19 slowly crept into our lives. COVID-19 is a disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It began as a third world problem and a distant overseas threat. Walt Witman, America’s national poet, could not have been more...
COVID-19 – Airborne Transmission in Dental and Medical Offices
We are all witnessing the COVID-19 pandemic ushering in a new normal for the world – businesses are closed across the country and the provinces are releasing individualized action plans for re-opening in phases. These plans are aiming to make businesses safer for...
Fire sprinkler omissions in homes
NFPA 13D permits the omission of fire sprinklers in certain locations of a home. Sprinklers shall not be required in bathrooms of 55 square feet or less. Combustible fuel loading in most small bathrooms typically is low. Sprinklers shall not be required in garages,...

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