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Leonardo Da Vinci’s To Do List (Circa 1490)

Our To-Do-lists are pretty dull and are so self centered..... The movers and shakers have different priorities and thought process. Not to say they ignore domesitc issues - they just elevate themselves to a a higher level and do the bigger things... small petty things...

Sump Pumps (Residential)

Why do we need a sump pump? Gravity makes fluid flow downwards. Stormwater (rain water) and Sanitary (sewage) connections are provided by the municipality. Normally the municipal mains (storm and sanitary conencitons) are well below in the street and hence well below...

Air to Air Heat Pump Sequence Of Operation

Cooling Cycle Mechanical: Heat pump cooling operation is similar to the operation of a standard cooling system. 1. The compressor pumps out high-pressure, superheated refrigerant vapor. 2. The vapor leaves the compressor and passes through the reversing valve. 3. It...


1. How to install Express Menu to AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD2015 2. Adding Express Tools Menu to AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD 2015