Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson announced the federal government’s next steps towards its plan to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030.

With Climate change becoming the topic of our gravest concerns, many countries have now begun to forge their way into implementing more sustainable and smarter practices.

Recently, Canada joined the league of the countries that have banned the use of plastics and have successfully found the alternatives to the single-use articles like plastic bottles, spoons, glasses, and plastic  wrappers. This initiative will be seen into fruition by 2021, hoping for people to realize the devastating impact plastic has on the fauna and flora.

In addition, it has been planned to create an effective impact on the emission of green house gases, and implementing integrated waste-management strategies. As Engineers, we feel motivated enough to evolve our methods with a greener and more sustainable approach. Concomitantly, we realize that it will not be an easy journey, given the lifestyles we have all adapted ourselves to.

Nonetheless,  it is a notable moment for us to acknowledge the participation of Surrey Board of Trade,  the only business organization (Chamber of Commerce/Board of Trade) as part of the Metro Vancouver National Zero Waste Council in initiating this process of change.

For knowing more on Canada’s Single-use plastic ban-//  https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/canada-banning-plastic-bags-straws-cutlery-and-other-single-use-items-by-the-end-of-2021-1.5135968