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COVID-19 – Airborne Transmission in Dental and Medical Offices

We are all witnessing the COVID-19 pandemic ushering in a new normal for the world – businesses are closed across the country and the provinces are releasing individualized action plans for re-opening in phases. These plans are aiming to make businesses safer for...

Fire sprinkler omissions in homes

NFPA 13D permits the omission of fire sprinklers in certain locations of a home. Sprinklers shall not be required in bathrooms of 55 square feet or less. Combustible fuel loading in most small bathrooms typically is low. Sprinklers shall not be required in garages,...

COVID-19 and Ventilation in Apartments

With the COVID-19 (Chronavirus) pandemic, people are overly concerned about aerosols transfer from the corridors to apartments in high rise buildings. They can feel a lot of air coming into their apartments from the corridor and are curious to know if the aerosols can...

HVAC: Calculating Process Heat Loads in Industrial Machinery

CALCULATING PROCESS HEAT LOADS This section contains some basic methods for calculating the heat load of various industrial processes. In order to use the heat load calculations, some general definitions need to be addressed. The calculations will reference the...

A picture from 1927

This is an amazing picture... probably the one picture with most IQ and most commutative service to mankind.

Digital Mapping Services by the Cities in BC

Links to all mapping services in Lower Mainland, British Columbia All cities have information about the utilities and infrastructure which is made available to the public for reference. The accuracy is good for the recent updates, but the grand-fathered data from the...

HVAC: Designing Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants

Starting a restaurant is an exciting venture, but it requires meticulous planning and professional guidance to bring your vision to life. From assessing the physical space to navigating municipal requirements, every decision plays a crucial role in your restaurant's...

Plumbing: Why are Grease Interceptors needed?

Treating waste water from commercial kitchen sinks What is a grease interceptor? Grease interceptors were originally patented as passive gravity separators by Nathanial Whiting in the late 1800s. Grease interceptors are a device used to separate fats, oils, and grease...

Designing Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants

    Design of Commercial Kitchen / Restaurant include: Design of HVAC systems: This would include general Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning systems. Generally restaurants have a high density of people in them. High occupancies require adequate...

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